Wednesday 9 October 2013

Samsung announce its flexible smartphone next week

The company will announce its smartphone Samsung flexible display next week. Also, his great rival South Korean LGwould ready their own terminal with the same features for the end of the month, as rumors said. Although these devices are not fully flexible, just your screen, both users and analysts are eager to discover the possibilities of such smartphones.

Samsung has become the industry leader in mobile devices thanks to its wide range of devices on the market, both smartphones and tablets. Analysts and users feel that this has been the strong point of Samsung to get to catch up with Apple worldwide. But if we stay in South Korea, another major rival Samsung is LG technology also contributes to their devices.
Both South Korea in the past confronted in court by the technology of LCD and OLED screens also are focusing on themanufacture of flexible displays for mobile devices, a feature that would bring great value to the next generation of smartphones. Both Samsung and LG have already expressed their intention to launch soon terminals with this type of display but it seems that Samsung will overtake South Korean rival.
As confirmed by a worker, as stated PhoneArena , Samsung announce his terminal with flexible display next week.According to rumors it could be a model of the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 with this type of screen technology and would have Youm company. As we say are rumors and so far nothing is confirmed by Samsung.
So be advanced Samsung rival LG, have ready your terminal with flexible display for the month of December with the Android version 4.4 operating system KitKat.

Only flexible displays

But while Samsung and LG to become pioneers in incorporating this type of display on smartphones, not every terminal will be completely flexible. The components include devices will be rigid, so that the smartphone does not have the same flexibility as the prototypes of screens previously presented in isolation.
The advantage of these screens incorporate other devices is a very robust, meaning that users can worry a little less about whether your smartphone is dropped and run the risk of breaking the screen.

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