Tuesday 1 October 2013

Samsung Galaxy Note III show Sept. 4

Official presentation of the third one modification planshetofonov from Samsung Corporation to be held at the beginning of autumn. It should be noted that the above would be a novelty portable device Galaxy Note III, which is just a few hours ago has officially been seen in the vast global network.
 In general, saying simply, all fans of the products from the South Korean developer Samsung left to wait a couple of weeks.

In addition, it was reported by some sources in the environment of large suppliers that Samsung Corporation prepares for world show and special computerized watch, which, by their general functionality will be virtually no different from any proprietary counterparts, which, according to preliminary data, soon to appear on the shelves of specialized shops. Any of the key features of a laptop computer were not named, due to the fact that these watches are still in the design stage of designing. On the above planshetofone also one much wanted to spread.
No more accurate and interesting information by representatives of the South Korean manufacturer Samsung did not want to provide. Perhaps the leadership of the aforementioned fear of regular information leaks that ultimately a nasty blow to the corporation in financial terms.

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