Friday 13 September 2013

Farewell to roaming: EU definitely end with him in 2016

Farewell to roaming, EU definitely end with him in 2016, Good news for those who like to travel to Europe or have relatives living outside as soon call between countries will not charge. The European Commission has recently announced that they have taken a number of steps relating to telecommunications in order to unify and create a fully connected continent between countries.
Since the Commission want Europe to be connected, allowing improved user experience for users, and between these measures which certainly stands out is the end of roaming.
The European Commission has announced that it will be removed from the total and permanent charges for roaming calls. And not have to wait long to start seeing changes, as from July 2014 mobile phone operators may no longer apply any charges on incoming calls made ​​by a user while in a country other than their country of origin . But that's not all, as well as operators lose the right to charge a fee for calls made ​​from another European Union country, roaming should be completely gone at the latest in 2016.

In this way, operators can access this change voluntarily without forcing them to do so within a specified period. However, if an operator refuses to carry out these changes, European law shall protect the client so that it can hire roaming costs with a third company.
Neeleie Kroes, European Commission Vice President, explained that the proposed elimination of roaming presented is based on standards that currently exist. Thus, from the Commission invites operators across the European Union to seek new offers that offer retail prices where the price includes not only domestic calls, but also international, which are made ​​being in another country different (within Europe, of course), which would eliminate those prices so different between the two types of calls.

Now it will be easier to become telecom operator

The elimination of roaming is not the only measure taken by the European Commission in order to create a continent connected as far as telecommunications are concerned. On the other hand, have adopted various measures to ensure the future of the European Union within telecommunications. So on the one hand, we find that to be a telecom operator will only be necessary authorization paperwork rather as happened so far.
On the other hand, it may block or slow access to Internet services, as well as the possibility for the user to be able to break the contract with your company if it does not offer the promised speed.
Last but not least, from the European Commission announced that will try that radio frequencies are correctly distributed between operators in order to ensure high speed 4G to all users.
Major European operators such as Telefonica, Deutsche Telekom and France Telecom have already expressed their disagreement with this legislation because they believe that their income will be greatly diminished if you lose your roaming fee. But nothing has been decided yet, as this new law will not take effect until approved by the various governments that form the European Union and by the European Parliament. And from what I can see, the European Commission is determined to go ahead with plans despite complaints from operators.Source European Union.

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