Thursday 26 September 2013

The Samsung Galaxy Note 3 specifications a locking regional

The Samsung Galaxy Note 3 features a locking regional, The commercial launch of the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 has allowed us a feature that had not been discovered until now. According to early users have reported in acquiring the phablet, the device has a locking system prevents regional carriers use SIM cards from other continents. For example, a terminal purchased in Europe will not accept subscriber cards American operators.

Although the trend is becoming another (forgive the last announcement of Movistar and explanatory note), we are used to block smartphones operators offering through its catalogs. This limitation means that the terminal can only be used under the networks of incumbent operator lock. However, the latest models from Samsung, although less restrictive, also implement other lock: regional blockade.

Regional block, what is?

The news has jumped to the mainstream media shortly after the first buyers of the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 disseminate this information. And the packing box includes an adhesive in which the manufacturer informs the user of the existence of the regional block. What does this function? At the moment it is unknown if the implementation is done with hardware or software, but in either case the terminal will only recognize SIM cards from companies operating in the region in which you sold the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 . The restriction will be invaluable for many users, however be an annoying situation for those intercontinental travel regulars tend to use prepaid cards to avoid roaming. In this case the only option is to use the card and stick operator roaming billed consumption. Another impediment arising from this measure is the inability to import the equipment from other non-European markets, if they reside in the Old Continent.

Other Galaxy also involved

Samsung, in addition to the notice in the sales pack also has decided to officially comment on the measure. He has been through a consultation German portal Allaboutsamsung , although the position of the firm has not clarified some vital points. What has it been able to see first hand is that the geographical restriction also applies to the Samsung Galaxy S2, Galaxy S3, S4 Galaxy, Galaxy S Mini and Galaxy Note 2 produced from late July. Now it remains to be seen whether Android developers Scene discover if this restriction is in software. If so hopefully it does not take into publishing tools capable of removing this lock geographically. you can read the statement from Samsung from this link .

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