Wednesday 10 April 2013

Google Play receives millions of applications before Apple Appstore

Almost since the advent of Android has gone tendency to compete in the number of applications available in the official market for the OS and main competitor - Apple Appstore. And the comparison is still going on. However, now you can also add here, and Windows Store, but today's material so far only the first two floors, as the most popular.

Recently Google Play celebrated milestone of 700,000 applications, which are also officially available lovers' green robot. " Now, analysts are predicting that Google Play will soon reach a million bars of available applications and make it faster main rival - Apple Appstore.

However, by and large, these figures are not as important as, say honestly, quality apps for iOS so far the average is higher than the quality of applications for Android. And there will have to string up the green to catch up to Apple store. And the application of large companies and services now come directly under both platforms. But it is still nice that favorite OS overtake rival, albeit that not all?)
Now Google Play lags behind Apple Apstore the number of applications for a few thousand. And the guys from The Sociable believe that Google Play soon not only catch Appstore, but also surpass the last, first breaking the mark of one million of available applications.
As for the quality and usability of applications, here at Google Play basically seen a positive trend. Appears more and more functional and intelligent applications that also delight and a good optimization and pleasant appearance. Many developers have realized that users are not willing to use those crooked versions that often come across before.

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