Thursday, 25 April 2013

OPPOzitsionny brand smartphones now in Russia

On April 25, the Russian retail brand began selling smartphones OPPO. Press conference dedicated to OPPO to the Russian market, held on April 24 in Moscow.
In the center of attention - the presentation of the flagship smartphone OPPO Find 5 with 5-inch Full HD-screen TV and a quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Pro.

Since the beginning of April, the sale also represents one of the thinnest smartphones in the world OPPO Finder X907 (thickness 6.65 mm).
There are a few brands that have traditionally been the leaders in the smartphone market. Perhaps everyone can list them. But what do you think, do these "molodyaschihsya old men" who were too keen to copy itself, the real opposition?

Until recently, the "other side" of the smartphone market, alternative bored Koreans and Americans knew one. Geeks, visitors to technical forums, journalists specialized publications ... Meanwhile, new faces in the global smartphone market, technological habitual opposition leaders, independent and actively developed. The only reason that we have not known about them - they did not want it.

Have you heard about the brand of smartphones OPPO?
According to the characteristics, design, quality of materials and assembly of the device OPPO can equally argue with the products Apple, HTC and Samsung.
Until recently in our country access to smart phones of this brand was limited. However, each new device brand aroused considerable interest connoisseurs. The interest of no less than the new items Apple, Samsung, HTC ...

Why this rush? It's simple:
  1. OPPO - one of the market leaders in China. Market, where the most-presamye new items sometimes appear earlier than in Europe or the U.S., and the choice of penny (but high-quality!) Smartphones wide as anywhere else. And despite all this, OPPO manages to produce and sell 10 (desyat!) million smartphones in the year (the amount of the total Russian market of mobile phones in 2012 - 42.2 million). People take and flutter with happiness.
  2. OPPO only trusts his engineers, programmers and managers. No third-party development! Only its own know-how! Staff development company - 1,400 people. All smartphones OPPO - 100% original products, from design to its own software shell for the operating system Android. OPPO did not order the assembly of the models somewhere on the knee, as one well-known company from Cupertino, but just built its own plant. Of glass and concrete.
  3. It is pathetic OPPOzitsiya brands that marketers cleverly impose current customers. OPPOzitsiya, which has every chance to seize the power of the heart, soul and wallets Russians. Long time.
  4. Expansion on the Russian market for smartphones will be launched in late April 2013. Press conference with the participation of more than 100 media representatives was held on Wednesday, April 24, 2013, at a nightclub ICON CLUB. 
The event was officially presented OPPO Find 5. Yes, yes, the same one which long before the announcement says Paul-Runeta. On-screen format Full HD (like a good TV) 
13-megapixel camera (like a great camera) and a quad-core processor Qualcomm (one of the most powerful to date).
Price OPPO Find 5 versions with 16 and 32 GB of internal memory in retail stores is 19 990 and 22 990 rubles, respectively.

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