Wednesday 21 August 2013

New Nexus 7 will be sold 3.5 million copies per year

Last year's Nexus 7 was one of the best selling tablet on Android. According to statistics from Google, this gadget is made up of 10% of all sold Android-tablets. However, the assumption will be sold as an updated Nexus 7 is not so optimistic, because now the tablet market to Android a much more serious and intense than it was a year ago.

However, the guys from DigiTimes found that, in turn, Asus expects to sell at least 3.5 million updated Nexus 7 by the end of this year. In principle, it turned out that the Asus think that they can sell 12 million tablets per year. Already in the first half of the year were sold over 5.7 million units. Therefore, remains, for the second half of the year 3.5 million and 2.8 Nexus'ov tablet under its own brand.

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