Wednesday 21 August 2013

HTC refuse to Windows Phone 8

Even if you are not closely follow the development of Windows Phone, despises you for the fact that the platform has grown and made ​​a strong competition to iOS and Android, or vice versa for someone sick of the opponents system, Microsoft, certainly aware that the area is now Windows Phone mainly for Nokia. Yes, Windows Phone once contacted HTC and was one of the key players, Samsung and Huawei. Think of someone else?

Now it is known that the vendors are literally one by one state or that has not yet been resolved contact the brainchild of Microsoft or decide to reduce the number of models produced by the OS, and even from the sound of gadgets on WP8 issue at all. For example, HTC decided yet tie with Windows Phone and focus all efforts on conquering the market of Android.

According to recently released data from IDC, 81,6% percent of the market Windows Phone today belongs to the Finns. Got a little bit and Samsung - 11.5%, and even less HTC - 4.6%, which is approximately 400,000 devices sold. In this part of HTC slipped quite considerably since last year from 8.2%. That's where the Taiwanese and thinking that the efforts with this system today are not justified and it will be easier to abandon it altogether. Free resources and HTC are planning to connect to Android.
Let's here some more numbers? In the Android camp, the Kings are Samsung (39.1% and 73.3 million units), followed by LG (6.5%), followed by Lenovo (6.1%), ZTE (5.4%), Huawei (5.4%). And only then HTC with approximately 10 million units sold by the statistics for the second quarter of 2013.

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