Wednesday 21 August 2013

Infographics: Smart phones are killing communication

Smartphones are certainly very useful devices that allow you to literally any second from almost any place on earth to get access to the necessary information. But have you ever thought about how these devices are constantly staying next to us, affect the way we communicate? And the guys from Ligo approached this issue very seriously, making the results of the research the following infographic.

It was found that the increase in diagonal screens of mobile gadgets will certainly lead to the fact that we prefer to write a message instead to call the desired contact, informing the desired information. Communication at the meeting and voice communication is becoming less popular, especially among teenagers, who receive an average of about 88 messages a day.
And besides, what is the reason that we sometimes run across the street at each other, passionate writing messages, or by viewing the photos. As is often the reason that distracts the driver behind the wheel? In general, the complete infographics, as usual, under the cut.
By the Team at Ligo.

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