Sunday 8 September 2013

WhatsApp Movistar network knocked out for a few hours

Movistar Problem with WhatsApp
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Many users of Movistar had yesterday, between eight in the evening and half past one, problems with the operator's network. Moreover, the company itself recognized the technical problem. The surprise was when they explained the cause: a problem with the messaging service WhatsApp has had global reach.

When production began the first problems of communication and connection, users began to complain and make clear their displeasure on social networks and forums. Movistar's reaction was to recognize "irregular internet access GPRS and 3G". The failure was of such magnitude that also affected the MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operators) operating through the Optus network.
In a situation like this, in addition to the rapid restoration of communications, operators must find what is the cause of the network outage, especially when it is a problem of this magnitude. Well, according to our fellow ADSL Zone , referring to official sources Movistar, instant messaging service WhatsApp is to blame for what happened.


The problem occurred on WhatsApp worldwide through a bug that prevented users could connect to the instant messaging service. This led to an increase in data traffic so huge until the Movistar network was saturated, ie could not stand the enormous amount of data packets per second.
The news surprises from two perspectives. The first, that a failure in a courier may affect an operator in this way, although this indicates, the number of people using WhatsApp and traffic that is capable of generating. The second is that this courier being so widespread worldwide, have a failure of this caliber and above all, to be repeated at certain intervals (the previous Sunday November 4).
This reopens the controversy with respect to WhatsApp. First, security failures, the last registered in September. Second, for service failures that may eventually collapse the networks of operators, as is the case. Just hope you find solution for this type of situation does not happen again.

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