Sunday 8 September 2013

With Brand for Android application will be updated throughout the sport

Under Section Brand
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If you love sports and, in turn, of the press that is dedicated to them, it is very possible that the application for Android Brand is very interesting for you. Here you will find information very current divided by different sports and also very interesting multimedia content.

One of the first details you should be aware of this development is that it is free, which is always a nice touch. You can get both in the store Samsung Apps in this link and in the page corresponding Play Store, so it's not difficult to get, and also the space it occupies is very small: only 1.01 MB. With respect to compatibility, the only thing that indicates that you must have is Android version 2.1 and up, something really common nowadays.
Home Application Brand
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Once the application starts Brand, the first thing that appears is the cover, which is the same as the web version of this media (thus, do not think it's possible to miss any news). Moving down the rest of the information displayed prominent, which can be accessed if you click on the chosen-usually, a picture identification that helps to know what can be found "inside" the news itself.
In the case of moving laterally, using the touch screen for it, you get to the different main sections of the application (and, by extension, of the website or newspaper). Football, Motor, Basketball, Tennis, Cycling, etc.. All the usual options are present and in each, there is a primary and other secondary news to which arrives clicking on each one of them.
That is, navigating the program is very simple and intuitive, so that the application becomes Make an excellent choice when it comes to access news directly without relying on the browser and also everything is in a very orderly. It is important to stress that the information is updated constantly, so no problem in staying without knowing what's going on in the sports world.
Notice pursuant BrandOptions pursuant Brand

Customization Options

One of the special features of the Android app is that Brand is fully customizable and, therefore, it may be configured so that you can access very directly to the tastes of the user. For example, My Brand where you can add the different sections exist throughout the development so choose them directly. Besides, here you can always find the cover of the paper version.
Implementation team selection BrandHome pursuant Brand
Another option regarding personalization is that the dropdown is opened by pressing the button on the top right that has four squares, you can choose in my team that like the user, so that in this way you can see the information This all together once again select this section. A good possibility offered Brand is that makes it easier to access the news that really are important to the user.
Indeed, in the options that appear in the dropdown there are two that are very interesting: Opinion and Radio Marca. The first gives the possibility to read opinion pieces by journalists working at Brand and the second option allows you to listen to the radio station that the media has (for this consume data, and used the Internet connection - streaming-for). Finally, it is noteworthy that in Bookmarks Live can know the results of the different sports that are being disputed at the time (and also lists the schedule of matches, races, events, etc..).
Font size pursuant BrandReviews pursuant Brand

Simple navigation

It should be noted with regard to the use of the brand Android app everything is perfectly structured to be able to access the content (including multimedia). For example, aside from being able to access a very intuitive way to push news on them, using the button above to the left is a list of the different sections (and subsections can be deployed its component) that allow access directly to any of them very quickly.
With regard to the configuration, you can also find all sorts of possibilities, such as the source of the font used (can select a larger or smaller as the case) or Offline Mode, which allows the download news to have them stored in the terminal if you go to a place where it is not possible to be connected. Undoubtedly, the creation is very well designed to meet all needs.
Under Sections BrandOptions pursuant Brand
Finally, it is noted that the operation in the different terminals is suitable, without giving serious navigational problems. Yes, we found that less powerful devices (usually mononuclear) multimedia reproductions, usually the videos, sometimes offered jumps or delays, so it is important to consider this. But, as regards the operation of the application itself when to go to different sections or browse the news, there is no problem about it.
Table application Brand
Link for Brand in Samsung Apps .

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