Sunday 8 September 2013

The best spy apps for the iPhone

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For various reasons, each choose their own, you might want to record a specific conversation, take a picture indiscreet or know which sites have been an iPhone in the App Store find various applications that allow us to put ourselves in the shoes of James Bond .

As mentioned above, each can have their own reasons for insmiscuirse in the affairs of others. Its use, not the tools, are what define whether what you do is right. Here we show the best applications to become an entire 007 armed with the iPhone.

Call Log Pro - Free

call-log iPhone
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This application allows you to record calls when the other person begins to speak, without doing anything else. You can then send the audio file by mail. The application is free, but we will only record 2 minutes, after that will have to make payments within the application itself: 30 minutes - $ 4.99 60 minutes - $ 8.99 and 300 minutes - $ 29.99.

Spy Gizmos - Free

This application is focused on a more playful and can send encrypted messages between friends that have it installed. Provides three methods of encryption and the possibility of sending in morse method is reproduced sounds or flase screen in the receiver.

Self Destructing Message - Free

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Another also more playful than serious. Remembering the messages that came to Inspector Gadget, this app gives our contact 10-60 seconds before we send them texts deleted. Therefore, it is a sure way to talk to someone and be sure that no trace of that conversation.

GPS Location Tracker - € 3.59

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The name is pretty descriptive of what this application does, and is nothing to register the places that has been the device. Besides being a paid app, you have to register on the website of the developer.

The Spy Recorder - € 1.79

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This software can not only record any time, but prepare for a specific place or time to send us one, apparently, regular reporting and the push to put it record the iPhone. It also stores location data which has been recording and you can send the file to the email.

Night Recorder - € 2.69

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This app makes the iPhone only record when it "hears" a sound loud enough and it stops when the area in silence, and so on into a single audio file.

Secret Spy Camera Pro - € 1.79

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How the name suggests, is an application that allow camouflage the fact that they are recording a video with the iPhone. The so-called "spy mode" puts on display what appears to be a browser, pretending to consult a website and even placed an image that simulates a black screen and pressing it takes a picture.

ReconBot - 0,89 €

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ReconBot is also an application to hide the fact that the iPhone is taking a video. However it has a feature that makes it special. Its mode "Remote View" will allow us to see what is before the camera iPhone from another terminal, tablet or computer.

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