Saturday 7 September 2013

Apple iPhone. You can make Internet calls ... in the U.S.

Customers of AT & T in the U.S. itself may use your Apple iPhone to make calls over the Internet using the 3G network, until now only possible through Wi-Fi. AT & T has had to yield to the pressure of the American regulatory body in the field.

American iPhone users who are subscribers to the ATT operator can make voice calls over the Internet using the 3G network. The operator had to open is mobile option following pressure from the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) American regulatory body that ensures equality and competition in telecommunications in the United States. In this way, you can keep UMTS coverage to make calls over the Internet, without having to go looking for the typical point Wi-Fi connection, as was the case until now. From now on any Internet user can call using the Skype program provided only to have 3G coverage and yes, a flat rate data to not be a scare at the end of the month. However, the flat-rate data are also common in the American mobile phone.

Waiting for change in Europe

So far the company has not provided further details of this change, which will hopefully soon be reflected in the rest of the world and allow use with the PC, the wonders of the internet calls, free and very low call rates Voice from the Internet to mobile phones. So far as Vodafone, Movistar and Orange, operators selling the iPhone in different European countries have not reported anything about it. The CEO and president of AT & T has come to say that they have decided to launch this service "after assessing the views of users and analyze how customers use the device compared to the other phones that sell"

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