Friday 4 October 2013

Insist on an iPhone 6 with five-inch screen for 2014

It has long strong rumors speak of an iPhone with larger screen than the current four-inch iPhone 5S . Even the Wall Street Journal through embracing this hypothesis with confidential information that pointed to an iPhone 6 with five-inch display. Now a new report compiled in Asia again insists that Apple will launch a larger smartphone that LG would be responsible for providing the display.
Steve Jobs did not conceive an iPhone screen above 3.5 inches. Now without its deterrent power and leadership, Apple is at the mercy of the market and it undoubtedly bet the teams with large screens. This trend was with the release of an iPhone 5 with a four-inch display and will continue on the same path with iPhone 6 five inches. Or will the iPhablet? A name or another, reports and details that come from Asian manufacturers are betting on Apple's terminal five-inch panel for next year.

Rumors common information: five inches

This time is ETNews the Asian middle again insists that possibility. And that information is repeated with increasing frequency and can not be a coincidence. The data collected by the last reports would be based on movements in the components market in Asia. And is that Cupertino would rely again on LG as a supplier of screens. In the event iPhone 6, if they finally called and the current generational iPhone 5S, the firm would prepare a five-inch panel and thus conform to the high demand for phablets, a segment that has taken off in surprising ways less two years. However, possible unknown features of this panel.

iWatch and iPad, also new

Of which does seem to have details of the display is iWatch, intelligent clock Californian firm. In this case would have aflexible nature display for the first time in the history of Apple, OLED. However, the supplier would remain LG and Samsung as expected. Also there will be news on tablets. The firm prepares new apple as strong iPad rumors point to a 12.9 inch screen. This change of direction would only be a complementary device to the 9.7-inch iPad, perhaps in order to enter fully into the hybrid tablet market.

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