Friday 4 October 2013

Apple To Launch 5 "iPhone, 12.9" iPad Flexible OLED And iWatch With In 2014

According To a new report, multi-billion Cupertino company Apple are internally testing 5 "+ sized iPhones, 12.9" sized iPads as well as Their upcoming iWatch (smartwatch), all of Which Will Reportedly arrive only in 2014 and not before (sorry folks ).
 We were aware Already That Apple was testing iPhones with bigger displays (high time), but the thought of an iPhone with a 5-inch display would give many a geek-gasm (including me).
Further reports ETNews That the company is preparing to larger iPad, with a 12.9-inch display this time round. We've always found the 9.7-inch screen and form factor of the iPad to be perfect.Perhaps this is just Apple's response to the growing market for convertibles and ultrabooks, all Of which seem to converge around the 13 "screen size and Associated form factor.
Lastly, there's the Apple SmartWatch, dubbed the iWatch. While we've heard a lot acerca it already, the new report says That Apple will use LG's Flexible OLED display on Their wearable gadget. Would not that be just cool?
If the report is accurate, 2014 will be an even more exciting year for Apple than 2013've Already been (iPhone 5S, iPhone 5C and the Effective doubling of phone sales, and Malthus revenue).

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