Friday 4 October 2013

Google would present its Android 4.4 smartwatch October 31

If the rumors of the Nexus 5 are not sufficient for the moment, Google ups the ante with their own smartwatch. The U.S. company would present its own smart watch, code-named Gem, along with Android version 4.4 KitKat on 31 October.

During this week and even today have left out rumors about the next smartphone from Google along with LG, Nexus 5.This terminal would follow the line of the previous model in terms of money and would market to half the price that Apple iPhone 5S. The timing, rumored to be on 30 October, but Google could also have other developments around that time.
Has been told the co-founder of Android Police blog, Artem Russakovskii , and it has picked up in your Google+ account, the U.S. company plans to launch its first smartwatch Nexus, codenamed Gem, on 31 October when which also is considering the introduction of new operating system Android 4.4 KitKat. But to be cautious, Russakovskii ensures that these rumors are interesting but at the moment do not have a second confirmation and at the moment there "visual evidence".

A smartwatch for leadership

The arrival of a smartwatch of Google could be a big step for the company in this sector. Apart from Sony, which is now in its second generation, and Pebble, from industry giants and the only one who has dared a smart watch is Samsung.South Korea's Samsung Galaxy introduced its smartwatch Gear together with the third generation of its Galaxy Note phablets 3.
However, Google and Apple would be advanced, another great who has also expressed its intention to take the first steps in this market with the rumored iWatch. But Apple still deciding what kind of screens included in this smart watch and its size and the iWatch may still be long in coming.
In the case of Google, the U.S. also expressed its desire to strive to be a leader in this sector as well as Motorola.However, after the purchase of Motorola Mobility by Google is possible that the perfect complement to the Moto X after launch is this smartwatch by U.S. and both teams are working in companies offer something better than what's currently commercially available.
If finally the date is confirmed, the smartwatch of Google Android 4.4 come with built KitKat and go on it, so the new features in this new version of Android would give even more value to the U.S. smartwatch.

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