Monday 7 October 2013

LINE privacy filters adds more time to record messages

The mobile instant messaging service Naver, LINE, is one of the few able to effectively compete against WhatsApp, applying "top". No other reason, but because this company is taking care to frequently update your application to constantly add new features and functions, such as those we discuss today. At last he has improved the field of user privacy, and added recording longer posts "walkie-talkie".
LINE Version 3.9.1 is the first to incorporate this system or option to enhance user privacy: contact filters. From now on it will not be possible, for those we do not want, to tell us through this IM service. And, in this sense, the best option that has existed so far is BlackBerry Messenger, since our phone number is completely independent of the application.However, it is a step forward for LINE, since it was this one of the weaknesses of many users using chat.
Users demand "PIN", what say WhatsApp and LINE?
For a long time, many users who look for privacy have been asking these companies messaging applications, implementing a system like Blackberry Messenger. In case you do not know, in BBM have the phone number of someone not being able to speak with him for this chat, but we need to have your PIN and we have accepted as a "friend". So, we can give our PIN someone and yet you can not contact us by telephone.
Posts like "Walkie - Talkie", LINE allows up to 30 seconds
The second big news this messaging application is the increase in the message recording time "walkie-talkie". This function is to send something like voice notes, but in a much more rapid, convenient and no need to reproduce with the music player device, but from the application itself. Now with this new update 3.9.1, LINE allows such recordings to 30 seconds maximum, end up? Using our smartphones as Walkie - Talkies? Source: ADSLZone

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