Monday 7 October 2013

Nokia suggests that Samsung may be copying the Lumia 1020

What appeared to be an advertising campaign more, although it is true that the extravagance of Dubai parachute by not leave anyone indifferent, has brought a juicy controversy because in the advertising spot to announce the Nokia Lumia 1020 is a suggestion rather peculiar that Samsung may be copying this terminal, but may not be the only one.

Supposedly the announcement builds on Lumia's arrival to the event 1020 'Nokia World' to be held on October 22. So far, so normal. Some companies have already shown quite spectacular advertising campaigns and beyond what are the benefits of their own terminals. Helicopter, parasailing, jet, a package with the Nokia Lumia 1020, and some other lady encased in a leather suit. The conflict arises at the end. When the screen goes to black, the next picture is a car coming up the window of the back seat, and within an Asian person with a pint rather mysterious.
Logically, after these images are already suspicions in style. The new Nokia Lumia 1020 has on the Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom one of its top competitors in the new segment of smartphone hybrid between mobile and camera. Currently many users are moving toward the Lumia 1020, so that the message appears even clearer.

Is it only Samsung?

But that's not all. In many technological forums suggest that Samsung would not be who referred the advertising spot from Nokia, but actually he was referring to Huawei. The conclusion, in part, quite logically, is derived because when it appears that Asian person hear the sound of a "Gong" typically Chinese instrument that has very little to do with South Korean Samsung native country.
Part of this controversy could come from past CES 2013, where Huawei exhibited heavy security in their presentations to protect "their ideas." However, what is clear is that Nokia has sent a message to the competition on a possible copy will now have to really know who he meant.

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