Monday 7 October 2013

Sony expects to be the third largest maker of smartphones globally

The war in the manufacture of smartphones looks very hard over the next decade, and although currently there are two actors who stand out above the rest, Apple and Samsung, a third guest, Sony, who wants to join the podium and aspires to be third manufacturer in the world of smart phones as soon as possible, as says Dennis van Schie, head of Sales and Marketing of the company.

The accounts and has very clear competitors the Sony. We must stop as soon as possible to HTC, and not allow to catch up Huawei and ZTE. Subsequently, on these premises, Dennis van Schie talk that currently have between 6-7% of the market in terms of value, and the target for Sony is to get as soon as possible to a market share of 20%.
To get that promotion pretty important in terms of business plans to include Sony, the head of Sales & Marketing brings to the table two issues that weigh heavily on the company and will surely turn your strategy: the value of the brand and its distribution network. The second question cites a personal example of when he was responsible for that area in India, and makes it clear that for the distribution, if you want to reach the most remote places, it is very important that the number of workers is the highest possible.

Differentiating the future

In that race marked by Sony to become the third largest manufacturer of smartphones worldwide, van Schie addresses as a key element separating Ericcson, Sony company that has been together for over 10 years, and, according to the head of Sales was a drag sometimes technology more than anything else.
In their search for identity, Sony intends to work with a range of "Premium" which can compete in quality with any company. Also, one of Sony's current concerns is in Chinese and U.S. markets, which at the moment has a very small market share, and its development are not entirely clear.

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